Thursday, September 24, 2009

What Life Is:

What is life?
What if I drop out of college?
What is I don't get a very good job?
What's the point of extra money?
Money is only needed to buy food needed to survive, and to pay taxes on the shelter and comforts you have.
Living is living.
Life without extra luxuries is still life.
We all die anyway, so what does our comfort matter?
If I don't own much or eat much, does it matter if I earn more money than I would without education?
Isn't life more than money?
Isn't life more than food?
Isn't life more than shelter?
Isn't life more than luxury?
Isn't life more than work?
Life is enjoying the breath God has given us;
Putting the bodies He made for us to use for His will.
Life is to always show His Love.
Life is to always show His Light.
Life is to always show His Mercy.
Life is to always show His Forgiveness.
Life is to reflect Him in all that we do.

1 comment:

  1. You're so right. Our life is all about Him, to show others what His love is all about. King Solomon even said we're born and we die, and the only thing in between that means anything, is what we do for God. Good post!
    Have a good night. :o)
